
Coming Attractions... Ronee Blakley & Lily Tomlin in Nashville (1975) - Supporting Actress Sundays

The holidaze have absorbed StinkyLulu's attention this weekend, lovely reader, and have consequently delayed the publication of this week's double edition of Supporting Actress Sunday. Sorry sorry, blah blah, ho ho ho. To whet your actressing appetite, however, please partake of Nashville-ian video delights below.

click image to be routed to video

(And the "I'm Easy" clip below is almost porn for actressexuals. Happy happy merry merry.)

click image to be routed to video

As for the write-ups, things should be on track no later than Wednesday. And be sure to make your plans to celebrate New Year's Eve by stopping by the 1975 Smackdown on the morning of next Sunday - the 31st. The whole gang of usual suspects (Ken, Nat, Nick, & Tim) will be here, along with a childhood pal of StinkyLulu's. It'll be a good way to ring out 2006 -- which certainly has been a fun year, enjoying actressing at the edges with y'all...

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