
Robert Altman (1925-2006) - Blessings

Whether the film was good, bad or brilliant, Robert Altman has long been perhaps StinkyLulu's most favorite film director. Those interwoven stories; the defiance of (alternating with passionate love for) genre; the admiration for live performance (as metaphor, as craft, as venue)...not to mention all that actressing at the edges. Few have done as much as worthily. Blessings, good sir.

Robert Altman (1925 - 2006)


  1. I was just thinking this morning when I heard this "Well, now they HAVE to do 1975." What a great career.

  2. Meanwhile, just last night, I was thinking that 1974 offered a perfect opportunity to finally catch up on Thieves Like Us and California Split.

    I really hoped and somehow assumed that he'd be around a little longer than this, but then, what modern American filmmaker has already given us so much?

    [Meanwhile, thank God the Academy stepped up to the plate when they did, and memorably so.]

  3. I'll make the most obvious (but apt) comment of the day: "What a rich career."

    I'm with Nick regarding the belief Altman had more chances to create memorable work. For me, this thought stems from the fact Altman managed to keep up with the times and maintain his status among contemporary cinema's top talents (and many of his greatest films- MASH,Nashville, Three Women- certainly have aged well, so well that these remarkable films don't appear to have "dated" at all over the last several decades). In addition, Altman never lost his passion for filmaking; therefore, although he had a full, rewarding life and career, the idea he would remain a vibrant, influential force in modern cinema for years to come appeared a given to the many aficionados of this revolutionary's work.

  4. From a friend's blog:

    "In his honor, rather than the standard Minute of Silence, there will be a Minute of Everybody Talking Over Each Other."
