
Who Knew? (AKA The Miracle of YouTube)

For a week, StinkyLulu's been thinking about Sheila. Sheila who, you might ask? Well. The only Sheila Lulu's ever loved...

See, ever since ModFab posted on the upcoming Broadway revival, and revealed that the character of Sheila is being played by (A) a black woman who happens to be (B) the extraordinary Deidre Goodwin, and (C) when MrStinky said he saw the promos while in San Francisco for (D) the very out-of-town tryout that The SceneStealer just saw... Well, it's been a romp through that special place in Lulu's heart on permanent lease to A Chorus Line.

Now, randomly perusing YouTube, StinkyLulu just happens to stumble across footage of the original Sheila's Tony acceptance speech.

That's Kelly Bishop? The mom from Dirty Dancing? The grandma on The Gilmore Girls? And any number of variously snotty, silly and bitchy dames through the years? Wowie. Kazowie. Lulu did not know that. So, not only does Lulu have a new favorite Tony acceptance speech, but also a fresh appreciation for the casting people on Dirty Dancing: Jerry Orbach & Kelly Bishop as Baby's parents? Now, that's genius...


  1. Here's a special Sheila feature for those of you lovelies who actually read comments:

    Lulu's Sheila love was so ingrained that, once, Lulu even tried to become Sheila. See, for a good while in NYC during the early 90s, Lulu was employed in a strange industry. When "called" upon to develop a female persona for the telephonic chacha, the first name & personality to come to Lulu's mind? Sheila. Of course. And she became quite popular for a brief time...

    But a funny thing happened. The callers misheard & suddenly "Sheila" became "Sheena"... Not sure whether of the jungle or the Scottish variety. And alas, Sheila made a quick exit as the requests came in for Sheena. But 'twas a giddy moment of encounter between Lulu and Sheila.

  2. sheila would have to be a dominatrix, surely?

    loved the mistake in that tony footage - jerry lewis says patti lupone, camera points to anne reinking
