
Supporting Actress Sundays in August: 1962

Once again the voting was tight.
But the results are in and, according to your votes, lovely reader: the roster for August's month of Supporting Actress Sundays goes to...

click image to enlarge

And the Supporting Actresses for 1962 are...

Mary Badham in To Kill A Mockingbird
Patty Duke in The Miracle Worker
Shirley Knight in Sweet Bird of Youth
Angela Lansbury in The Manchurian Candidate
Thelma Ritter in Birdman of Alcatraz

And, lovely reader, even though CouldaShouldaWoulda Wednesdays is an infrequent feature at best, be sure to holler if you wanna hear StinkyLulu ramble about a favorite performance -- brilliantly good or bodaciously bad -- from 1962. Lu just loves loading up that NetFlix queue...


  1. Just did a little research so here's what I found out, and some of my coulda woulda shouldas:

    Shelley Winters in Lolita--I hear she's brilliant.

    Hermione Gingold as Eulalie McKechnie Shinn--same as above

    Polly Bergen in Cape Fear. Just would like to know.

    Jeanne Moreau in Jules et Jim--I'm sure it's an actress thing, but still interested since it started her cult.

    Julie Harris in Requiem for a Heavyweight, cuz she's in it and Rod Serling wrote it.

    And Rita Tushingham in Taste of Honey, as she seemed to win/be nominated for everything else, and in that slippery newcomer category, which relegates lead to supporting so they don't have to compete.

    And--Didja know? Anne Bancroft's Best Actress Oscar was accepted on her behalf by Joan Crawford? (!)

    And--Margaret Rathfrod starred in "Murder, She Said" as Miss Marple, this same year that Angela Landsbury was nominated for an Oscar--the same who would go on to star in "Murder, She Wrote"? Hmmmm....

  2. Shelley Winters most definitely ought to have been nom'd for "Lolita" and Lansbury most definitely ought to have won (further reinforcing my belief that there should be a category for juvenile performers such as Badham and Duke).

    Also, Moreau is one of the leads in "J & J" so she wouldn't have been a contender for supporting actress that year.
