
From the StinkyLulu Archive: "Circa 2000 - Daily Planner Collage Series"

StinkyLulu, Circa 2001 (mixed media, 7.5" x 10")
From The Daily Planner Collage Series

Click on image for larger view.

Lately, StinkyLulu's been hearing various college instructors impugn the "collage" as a form of visual expression. Which hurts Lulu's feelings a little bit. Cuz, indeed, for years -- the collage (along with the mix tape) was perhaps Lulu's only mode of non-verbal/non-performative creativity. Indeed, any notebook/pad/calendar/folder in Lulu's midst risked being snatched and "adorned" with magazine clippings, glue stick, sharpie markers & packing tape. And in the lean years, StinkyLulu's friends received any number of "Journals" as holiday & birthday presents. (Surely that got tedious.) Recently, though, StinkyLulu's moved away from collage. Yet, nonetheless, StinkyLulu retains a particular, peculiar fondness for the media.

SO -- appropos of nothing -- StinkyLulu will from time to time share collages "From The StinkyLulu Archive"...

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