
A Very Fabulous Birthday To You, ModFab!!!

Today marks ModFab's 2nd Birthday -- which is quite a reason to celebrate.

Fabulous modern birthday graphic via Set For A Year

If you, lovely reader, don't click through ModernFabulousity daily -- you really should. Depending on the day, ModFab'll:
  1. give ya great gab on all matters cultural, high & low brow (few reality teevee commentators are so pithy in their precision);
  2. give ya great glimpes of very pretty sights (beyond the bodacious bods that are de riguer, look here for the best in contemporary photography);
  3. give ya greater gossip on the freshest dish (& hottest dishes) on the NY theatre scene; & (best of all)
  4. give ya good link to some of the friendliest and smartest fabulons in the blogosphere.
Indeed, StinkyLulu owes ModFab a great debt for looping little Lulu into the circuit (via the ModFab6) & instigating the momentum that has opened StinkyLulu to a wide wide world of delightful new blog friends.

So, thanks, ModFab, for all the generalized fabulousness.
Here's to another half million visitors!

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