
Supporting Actress Sundays for MAY: 1942

Due to a simple oversight in creating the "ballot" for May, StinkyLulu put the roster for 1942's nominations under the heading of 1941. So, even though 1942 falls numerologically under June, the support for the 1942 roster was so strong that...

StinkyLulu's attention for the month of
May's Supporting Actress Sundays
goes to


  • 1942: Teresa Wright in "Mrs. Miniver", Gladys Cooper in "Now, Voyager", Agnes Moorehead in "The Magnificent Ambersons", Susan Peters in "Random Harvest", Dame May Whitty in "Mrs. Miniver"
So stay tuned, lovely reader...
StinkyLulu'll start things out this week with Susan Peters, then devote Mother's Day to über-mother Gladys Cooper, double team the Mrs. Minivers on the 20th, & wrap things up with Agnes on the last Sunday of the month -- the same day that Lulu'll welcome Nat, Nick & TimR for the next Supporting Actress Smackdown (May 27).

But now, lovely reader, Lulu needs your help.
What do you suggest for 1942's CouldaShouldaWouldas?

Lulu's pretty sure that at least one of the five CSW slots for May will go to Carmen Miranda (for either Springtime in the Rockies or 4 Jills), but beyond that Lu's at a loss... Any other performances by Supporting Actresses in 1942 deserve Lulu's tribute? Nominations can be high or lowbrow, trashy or artistic...the only dealbreaking criteria is availability.

So, bring on the circa1942 Supporting Actress lovin'!


  1. It's a tricky one, this -- they do seem to have covered the major bases. But I would put a bit of a word in for Dolores Costello in Ambersons, too: it's not quite a lead to my thinking (though perhaps others will disagree) and it's an impeccably controlled performance. I'm not saying she's better than Moorehead, mind.

  2. By the way, can't wait to get stuck in with these!

  3. Howza about Lena Horne for just singing in Panama Hattie? Interesting year--Holiday Inn; Now,Voyager; Casablanca...

  4. Casablanca falls under 1943 for some reason. I need to check on PH & HI.

    I so don't understand the Academy's "rules of eligibility" sometimes...
