
Lulu's Pfirst Time: Stephanie Zinone in Grease 2 - A Pfeiffer Pforever Tribute

They say you never forget your pfirst time.

StinkyLulu's "pfirst" time came in the summer of 1982.
And it was momentous...

Home in the States just for the summer, Lulu desperately sought moviegoing experiences of all varieties (The Kingdom having not even a single public movie theatre circa 1982.) Some, however, had priority -- & Grease2 was at the top of Lulu's "Must-See" list. Alas, arriving stateside, Lulu was chagrined to discover that Grease2 had been & gone (its box office gruesomely disappointing). Lulu recalls fondling the cast album in some store, wistfully mourning the tragedy of missed opportunities...

Imagine Lulu's surprise when -- on a requisite grandparental trip to El Otro Las Vegas (PapaStinky's hometown) -- StinkyLulu discovered that Grease2 was still playing at the backmountain burg's single screen, The Serf.

Lil Lulu's excitement nearly blew the roof off PapaStinky's Super70sVan &, right then & there, Lulu began plotting & scheming to see the movie of the summer. So, the second Lil Stinky arrived to AbuelaStinky's trailer & gave quick kisses all around -- StinkyLu was calling for showtimes. Lu drafted StinkyCuz -- she's 3 years older & was always Lu's "bestfriendcousin" -- to escort Lil StinkyLu & off they went to the cinema. (It's cute to recall those moments when Mama&PapaStinky -- indeed, the whole Stinky family -- just knew they were outmatched by StinkyLulu's emergent cultural obsessions.)

StinkyLulu knew full well that it would be Adrian (or Maxwell or Peter or even Tom) sneaking into StinkyLulu's fantasies later that night. Nonetheless, StinkyLulu just pfell in love with that gorgeous voiced glamazon in pink satin: Stephanie Zinone. Steph was everything StinkyLu wanted in a girl: she was hot, she was tough & she had pipes. And she wanted a "cool rider" (just like -- sshhh -- Little StinkyLulu):

If you really want to know what I want in a guy
Well, I'm looking for a dream on a mean machine with hell in his eyes
I want a devil in skin tight leather, he's gonna be wild as the wind
And one fine night, I'll be holding on tight to a
Cool rider, a cool rider
If he's cool enough, he can burn me through and through
If it takes forever, then away forever
No ordinary boy, no ordinary boy is gonna do
I want a rider that's cool
That's the way it's gonna be, that's the way I feel
I want a lot more than the boy next door, I want hell on wheels
Just give a black motorcycle with a man growing out of the seat
And move aside 'cause I'm gonna ride with a
Cool rider, a cool rider

On the walk home from the theatre, StinkyLulu remembers annoying the f*ck out of StinkyCuz -- yammering this way and that about how gorgeous that new actress Michelle Piper was... StinkyCuz's response: "Yeah? For a blonde..."

And ever since that moment, StinkyLulu has maintained a proud crush on Michelle Pfeiffer -- for the fact that Lulu loved her long before she became a serious actress, that Lulu knew she could sing long before that red-dress-on-a-piano movie, that Lulu knew how to pick 'em... And when StinkyLu started graduate school and the cabaret version of Grease2 opened on campus? It was like an omen -- of many many good things.

After all, they say you never forget your pfirst time.


  1. oh how i wish i woulda know Lil Stinkly Lu back in the day. This made me laugh out loud.

    wish i coulda been there. I was shhhhh... don't tell anyone...pissed that they made this being an Olivia fan and i was like "who is this Pfeiffer woman trying to steal from Olivia!?"

    oh how wrong Lil Natty was. He even refused to see the movie

  2. I've always remembered one of the "Cool Rider" verses as:

    If he's hell on wheels/He can burn me through and through/Ooohhhh/I want a rider that's cool

    If these exact lyrics weren't in the song, they should have been.
