
Supporting Actress Sundays: Coming Attractions...

It's official:
Supporting Actress Sundays in April will be devoted to (drumroll please) 1958.
  • 1958: Wendy Hiller in "Separate Tables", Peggy Cass in "Auntie Mame", Martha Hyer in "Some Came Running", Maureen Stapleton in "Lonelyhearts", Cara Williams in "The Defiant Ones"
Actually, it was a tie -- smack dabnabbit right between 1958 and 2003 (with 1967 & 1994 just behind). So StinkyLulu had to go all executive-privilege & decide on 1958.

A few things factored into the decision:
1. Michelle Pfeiffer was born in 1958. Seems only appropriate...
2. Maureen Stapleton's 1st (of not 2 but 3) "It's An Honor Just Being Nominated" peformances came in 1958.
3. Lu just snagged a dvd copy of the elusive Some Came Running.
4. MrStinky just loves Auntie Mame.
(And -- to you Amir UK, who actually voted against 1958 -- StinkyLulu says sorry!)

For the various aficionados of 2003, StinkyLu may offer some opinage on one or the other of Lu's favorites that year. Plus, because of StinkyLulu's predisposition to gluttony, there may be some comment on one or another great (but unnominated) Supporting Actress performances from 1958.

So, hunker down, lovely readers -- it looks like April will be a hoot.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to hear about Some Came Running....
