
A Very Stinky Valentine's

Happy Valentine's Day, lovely readers.

The Stinkys collaborated on the crafting of this hodgepodge self-portrait some time ago. Dare ya to guess who's who...

It's the Stinkys' 3rd Valentine's Day together.

3 Stinky Valentine's. That simple fact still amazes the Lu to no end. Really. Who'da thunk't? First, that StinkyLu'd be so lucky to have a MrStinky. Second, that MrStinky would be such a sweet silly sexy goofball. And third, that each Stinky year'd be so much sweeter than the one before it. All of which got the Lu to thinking back on the gifts that StinkyLulu gave MrStinky on previous Valentine's Days...
Sure. Valentine's is sorta a totally BS made up holiday. But for someone like Lulu, who never ever in a million gazillion years thought a true love would land, Valentine's becomes a day to be grateful. For the magic and marvel of simple love.

Love is sweet.
And worth the work. And the willingness. And the willingness to work.
Be sure to tell your friends.

Gratefully yours,

1 comment:

  1. How nice. I was looking for cupcakes for a dinner tonight, but unfortunately could find none with one middle finger extended. I had to settle for red and white. Bitter, much? But extremely happy for you. And that'd the truth. And now you have had consecutive postings with a tiara and flowers. Can a ______ queen title be far behind? :)
