
A Very StinkyLu New Year to YOU

It's been two weeks, that's just wrong, blahblahblah...
Barely a week before academentia really sets in & StinkyLulu's still in the midst of a post-holidaze emotional hangover.

Criticlasm passed through the Enchanted Land for a relatively low-key Gnu Year's romp. During his visit, the Stinky gang rollicked: screened a few movies (Pride & Prejudice turned out to be surprisingly good; The Producers emerged as a gilded turd); Criticlasm got a kicky-yet-spiritual augmentation of his tattoo at the hand of the legendary Jason Ward at Star Tattoo; plus the incomprehensibly time-consuming gift exchange among StinkyLu, Inez & Criticlasm. New Year's Day had MrStinky & Criticlasm yoga-cizing for hours upon hours with the Bhava divas before converging with MamaStinky & StinkyLu for hours upon hours of mahjongg. Some major furniture moving at GrandmamaStinky's the next day & much gnoshing, nibbling, gobbling & snarfing at ABQ's many fine eateries throughout the weekend.
All told, a delightful visit.

But now, it's time to get back to toting that barge & lifting that bale.
(Which barge? Which bale? Where?)

Thankfully (and due to the generosity of Berry -- one of StinkyLulu's long-term buddies), the Lu's got some incomparable sonic delights to keep the energy shaking, rattling & rolling: One Kiss Can Lead To Another: Girl Group Sounds Lost & Found. Wowie kazowie. Un-frickin-believable.
One of Lu's greatest XMas gifts ever. Soo soo soo good.
Shoop Dee Doop La La La.

SO, StinkyLulu's got a great soundtrack for the week.
Now, let's see if any work gets done.

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