
At Long Last, On All Fours

Heard a radio interview the other morning with an always smart funny author talking about her new book -- basically a survey of the linguistic trends in U.S. popular language & how some popular phrases actually contribute to a distinctive hostility in daily discourse,a default hostility manifest in the daily speech of grade schoolers as well as the leaders of the land. Rilly rilly innersting.

Then, a little bit later, bumped into this meme over at Queering The Apparatus.

So, StinkyLulu -- in a jab at getting this blog out of the End-Of-Semester Doldrums -- offers the newly-named "On All Fours" meme (featuring an all-new category created just for you, beloved Stinky readers: "Four 'pop phrases' you loathe").


Four jobs you've had in your life
- College Professor
- Phone Sex Operator
- Advance Sales Rep for the Circus
- Sex Club Doorman/Bartender

Four movies you could watch over and over
- Myra Breckenridge
- West Side Story
- The Young & The Hung
- Steel Magnolias

Four places you've lived
- Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
- Providence, RI
- New York, NY
- New Haven, CT

Four TV shows you love to watch
- America's Next Top Model &/or Project Runway
- Starting Over
- The Young & The Restless
- Designing Women

Four "pop phrases" you loathe
- It is what it is.
- Hell-O!
- WhatEVer!
- The Liberal Media

Four places you've been on vacation
- Carlsbad, NM (most recent)
- NYC (most everything)
- Amsterdam (most storyworthy)
- Lama Foundation, NM (most returnworthy)

Four websites you visit daily
- towleroad
- DukeCityFix
- The Chronicle Forums
- Crooks & Liars

Four of your favorite foods
- Grilled Cheese'n'Bacon Sandwich
- Tater Tots
- Pork Chop
- Pudding

Four places you'd rather be right now
- At the movies
- On the road
- With MrStinky
- On the road to the movies with MrStinky

Four Blogs you've tagged with this meme
- Gunjilaganga
- Your Mom
- GoodMountain
- AfroFuturist

1 comment:

  1. Lulu on all fours, wowzers. I can almost hear the little dawgie howling.
