
Roiling Academentia

Boy howdy. Busy coupla weeks. Sorry, dear reader, for once again violating the "it's been two weeks & that's just wrong" axiom...

Basically, the Lu's been caught in the roiling tidal pools of academentia, and going under in the last days before the semester... (Classes started Monday, & StinkyLu's first teaching day was Tuesday.) But last week? An extended, required, all-day-for-five-days-with-no-$$$-compensation "orientation" for "new teachers" in the department where StinkyLu'll be teaching one (1) class for purely mercenary reasons.

Ah well -- as StinkyLulu kept repeating (eyes clenched, rocking back and forth): "It's always good to stop and reflect about the process of teaching...
itsalwaysgoodtostopnflectboutprocessoteaching... salwaysgootstopnflectboutprossoteach...


MrStinky & Lu were able to snag a screening of the new cool movie thing Broken Flowers. It's cute. Nice in a meditative sorta way -- a meandering quiet flick about the process of reflecting on the wreckage of your past & beginning to discover the willingness to be honest. O'course, the movie's actually about the collaboration of those two modern masters of melancholic irony: Bill Murray & Jim Jarmusch. But that's not really StinkyLulu's bag. The Lu liked the gourmet cameos all those great ladies -- Jessica, Frances, Tilda, Sharon, Chloe, Julie -- each putting in a great day's work, with the electric Jeffrey Wright in a zingy framing device/supporting role. I imagine some will find the stubborn flouting of genre conventions -- a mystery without a climactic reveal?!?! egads!!! -- too frustrating, but it's a nice quiet movie, filmed in a really pretty way...

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