

Meet MissDaisy*: The StinkyPuppy...

Yesterday, StinkyLulu picked up PapaStinky's new little buddy. A friend of StinkyLu needed to find a home for this Chihuahua/Dachschund cross & StinkyLulu knew right away how perfect she would be for PapaStinky.
But spending the night with MissDaisy has brought StinkyLu's doglust out hard &, for an extended series of moments, StinkyLulu strongly considered stealing this little snarfler. Perhaps another poochie will arrive in the Stinky midst sooner than anyone thought...
*"Daisy" is StinkyPuppy's given name, though she has also been called Isabella/Izzy. Another name might yet alight upon her soo cute noggin, but for now: MissDaisy.


  1. Anonymous12:50 PM

    I urgently request that we arrange a playdate for our little ones. Molly doesn't know any other little dogs and Daisy is adorable, I know they will be best friends. Call me! -Megan

  2. CUUUUTE! She'll make a nice chew toy for Maggie. ;)

  3. It's a good thing for Miss Daisy that Maggie doesn't live with PapaStinky anymore.

  4. She doesn't look stinky at all.
