
Hot Times / Summer in the City (if ABQ counts as a city)

It was really hot today.
But that didn't stop The Stinky Gang from getting some cultcha on.

~ First, a quick bite in Old Town at Church Street Cafe. StinkyLu's green chile chicken tortilla thing was good, but the table did seem to agree that our server was the tastiest morsel. (QueLinda's appetite was especially whetted.) On the way back to the car, the Stinky Gang popped into the excellent Saints & Martyrs, a total must for ABQ visitors. But -- truth be told -- Albuquerque's Old Town district just pisses StinkyLulu off. Not sure why...
~ Then, the Stinky Gang tooled over to Kenny Chavez' Folk Art Hootenanny (scroll down a bit). A nifty collection of really cool contemporary folk art. StinkyLu really liked the Virgen de Guadalupe pez dispenser & MrStinky almost got a really neato piece of pie art. (QueLinda was the only one to actually score with a piece by one of her favorite artists, whose name StinkyLu totally spaced.)
~ Finally, caught a screening of Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room -- Alex Gibney's really smart & stylish doc about corporate culture in the Clinton/Bush era. Gibney's really good at what he does. This film is critical, intelligent, thorough, great looking, funny without being fatuous (hi Michael Moore!)... and if you haven't seen Gibney's The Trials of Henry Kissinger, put it in your netflix queue NOW. So. Check out this Enron flick -- just what a lefty doc should be...

Good day. Hot. But good day.


  1. I read an article about the Enron movie that said it was being simultaneously released to DVD, so it might be in Netflix already.

  2. at present, netflix says the release date is unknown.
