
Patricia Williams' OPEN HOUSE

StinkyLulu writes this from Westchester County, NY. Been a busy coupla days... Yakyakyakyakyakyakyakyak. That's pretty much all that StinkyLu's been doon'...

But on the plane, the headphones didn't work so StinkyLulu had to miss the audiotrack of the inflight screening of the recent (and celebrated) film, Fat Albert. Gratefully, StinkyLulu had a good book to read:
Patricia Williams' new book Open House.

Not everyone loves the prose stylings of MsPW, but Lulu does...a lot. And this entry is her funniest book yet. O'course -- the book's mostly about the complex history of the black midddle class since slavery so there's plenty of pieces that edge into sadness, madness & even tragedy. But PW's swirling meditative prose is at its strongest here, demonstrating an unapologetic clarity of purpose in describing the way-too-many things a really smart woman who cares passionately about her world and her family -- the way-too-many things she thinks about, just cuz. StinkyLulu really identifies with Patricia Williams. Not the part about Patricia Williams being black and a sorta famous law professor and a single mother. No. The part where a person's a little too clever for their own good & has a few too many thoughts stuffed in their noggin & sometimes worries that their head just might pop. That part. That part StinkyLulu really connects with...

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