
Looky Lulu's Links + "Do The Schiavo!"

StinkyLu really likes this blogspot template, despite the unfortunate fact that it doesn't offer an easy/reliable way to post links. So, today, Lulu's kicking off a new semi-regular feature -- LULU'S LINKS -- in which Lulu'll list the links Lulu looks at lots lately...

Lulu's Featured Link of the Moment:
Do The Schiavo! Web-based performance art at its most genius. (Your Mom brought this to Lulu's delighted attention.)

See also...
:: Daily Fug -- ineffable genius. MrStinky just can't get enough.
:: Towleroad's delicious daily dose of gay culture & politics.
:: PageSixSixSix. Slurpy evil gossip. Yum.
:: Lady Bunny's Blog -- StinkyLu recently got hooked into this through Nico Icon's humans.

That's prolly 'nuff for now. And, remember, Lulu loves to link ya, baby!

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