
Whew. Whatta week...& StinkyLulu's Many Discoveries...

Whew. Whatta a week (or so) StinkyLulu's had... Lotsa craziness. While a late spring snow storm snowed StinkyLulu OUT of the adobe abode for nearly five days StinkyLu stayed at MrStinky's TV-Free (eek!) apartment, while MrStinky was gallavanting with yoga-buddies in Mexico, while StinkyLulu's teaching gig gasped & wheezed its way to spring break, while StinkyLu started a cash gig scoring the SAT, while two NYC area colleges called StinkyLu for interviews, while the SAT scoring company pooped out and laid-off StinkyLu and all the SAT scorers, while... well, you get the picture...

In the midst of all the cuckoo hooha, StinkyLulu discovered a few things. To whit, StinkyLulu discovered:

1: The delights of PageSixSixSix. Bookmark it. And while you're at it, add the Daily Fug to your daily delights. You won't regret it.

2: That the pleasures of romantic melodramas -- ala Bride and Prejudice and Diary of a Mad Black Woman -- are like grocery store cake. You know? How grocery-store-cake tastes really good at first & then -- after you've had a piece or two too many -- it starts to make you feel like your mouth needs a'scrubbin' just as your stomach starts to cavort around what feels like a tuna can? You know how that is? Well, StinkyLulu basically liked both flicks but, in quick succession, a bit of an overdo.

3: That the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was really important. Now, StinkyLulu knew this very well already but, upon seeing the really quite extraordinary recent documentary Home of the Brave, StinkyLulu was reminded of the core passion that compelled StinkyLulu to be a pollworker in the 2004 election. Reactionaries/conservatives tend to proclaim that voting is not so much a right to be ensured (from such things as systemic disenfranchisement) but that voting is a privilege that must be protected from abuse/fraud. The story of Home of the Brave reminded StinkyLulu just how recently the balance tilted toward universal enfranchisement. And it underscored the cynicism of our current reactionary/conservative The Powers That Be...just as "democracy" is championed in Iraq, republican legislators in states like New Mexico are working hard to elaborate voting requirements, ostensibly to "prevent voter fraud"...

4: That a "Culture of Life" must be avoided at all costs. The recent Schiavo debacle underscores just how cynical the Bushies are in their use of "Life" as a marketing strategy. WBush had no problem deferring to the judgements & rulings of state courts when, as Texas governor, his administration authorized the execution of 152 inmates on Texas' death row. It seems that when WBush asserts that "the executive branch ought to err on the side of life" some "life" is more valuable... Surprise, surprise.

Whew. Whatta week.

1 comment:

  1. Gee, LuLu, wondered where you'd been a-hidin'...

    I just have to say, hooray for the Supreme Court. I'd been feeling this week even more like the whole gol-durn country'd been hijacked, in possibly even more horrific ways than the past several years, and we of the captive breed were really in for it now...(this is a faith-based opinion. I have no faith in those people.) But the S.C. upheld a certain levelheadedness I thought had vanished. Small steps.

    Can't add anything to the moooovie comments, since I see no movies, as you know. But I did hear that The Upside of Anger is to be avoided at all cost.
