
Too ArtsyPooPoo for StinkyLulu?

StinkyLulu dragged MisterLulu to see The Saddest Music in the World cuz it promised to be a really cool stylized comic melodrama. Well. It surely was all of those things. But it was obviously way too cool/stylized/comic/melodramatic/somebullshit for StinkyLulu's simple brain. Granted, the film did do some really awesome experimentations with film stock, processing techniques, etc. But StinkyLulu 'sposes that's mostly entertaining for MFA film people & the like. Mark McKinney was really good & Isabella Rosselini has to be the most entrancing film actress occasionally working today. But this film reminded StinkyLulu of Brad -- of criticlasm -- who often asks the question (especially of live theater): who is this FOR? Well StinkyLulu has no idea who The Saddest Music in the World was for...but good for them. StinkyLulu won't be crowding that table anytime soon.

To be rigorously honest, though, it would be wrong of StinkyLulu to rant so about The Saddest Music In the World without mentioning that it did contribute one of the most indelible cinema visuals of recent memory: Isabella Rosselini's glass leg, especially as it filled with beer... Wild, just wild, and so strangely beautiful...

Ah well. Just too ArtsyPooPoo for StinkyLulu...

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