

StinkyLulu's getting a little irritated by the hype-machines ignited this weekend by some shift in the thin air media types breathe. Let's just call it: PrognOSCARtating.... Defined as the wild pseudo-scientific speculations offered by movie critics/commentators as Oscars approach...just like the stuff you're reading now.

Basically, it's the hooey that comes surging forth on morning chat shows and syndicated entertainment shows in which certain nominations are reconstructed by the commentators as very specific kinds of horse races. This year, the one that's starting to tick StinkyLulu off is the supposed rematch of the 1999 showdown between Hilary Swank & Annette Bening. On tonight's Golden Globes, each actress took the Best Actress award, in the drama & comedy/musical categories respectively...

It might be that StinkyLulu's not seen either performance. It might be that this "contest" doesn't include StinkyLulu's favorite leading actress performances of the year (ie. Catalina Sandino Moreno or Rachel McAdams). But the whole thing is so patently boilerplate 101...

It's possible that StinkyLulu resents this kind of boilerplate prognOSCARtating because, by creating such a simple headline-able reading of the category, these media wonks just ZAP all the fun out of prognOSCARtating... And -- sniff -- prognOSCARtating is one of StinkyLulu's favorite hobbies...

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