
Itsa New Year! Itsa time! StinkyLulu's BIG STINKYS & BIG LULUS of 2004!

Well, it's that time again: End of year "best of 2004" movie lists from all sides. Celebrity necrologies everywhere you turn. The beginning of 'award season' is nigh...

SO StinkyLulu's gonna join the fray.
Every day for the next few weeks, StinkyLulu'll be posting some movie summary (a list, a mini-review, etc) from the larger project of STINKYLULU'S BIG STINKYS & BIG LULUS OF 2004!


This morning, StinkyLulu announces:

The Incredibles

In a large handful of ways, Pixar's latest The Incredibles truly was a delightful film experience. StinkyLulu loved the stylized character design, the uber-retro-modern scenography, the action-packed-but-not-at-the-expense-of-good-dialogue style and the always welcome vocal stylings of Holly Hunter and Sarah Vowell.

Recall StinkyLulu's favoritest film of 2003 -- X2: X-Men United? Another superhero film where the central premise drew from the idea that superheroes had to hide because mainstream society was unable or unwilling to appreciate difference as embodied by the superheroes. Another superhero film where the superheroes faced mortal danger from some wacko whose primal trauma with a superhero inspires the bloodlust that currently threatens all superheroes, especially the ones the film introduces us to, and whose campaign of terror and revenge must be stopped.

So. Similar premise. Totally different films. X2 narrated a coalition story where militants (Magneto's radical exceptionalism) and moderates (Professor X's determined assimilationism) must forge possibly temporary alliances in the face of disastrous evil. The Incredibles offers an allegory of Family Values, ala The Promise Keepers. Forget that the film's villian is in effect a superhero serial killer. The only threats that matter in this film are threats to the Incredible Family. Note that each member of the family accomplishes their innate superhero skills not as a mode of self-discovery or individuation BUT in service of the protection of the nuclear family. Throughout this film, the only goal that matters is family togetherness and -- more important -- familial autonomy in which the father's cultural authority as head of household is restored. Putting Papa Incredible back in the Superhero business places the family back in balance, which is what -- according to the film -- really matters. As such, The Incredibles seems to be a perfect story for the Bush era. Protect the nuclear family from the evils of contemporary society. Worry only about your own bio-relatives (and possibly a specially chosen black friend); everyone else is on their own.

Which is why StinkyLulu names The Incredibles as THE CREEPIEST STEALTH NEOCONSERVATIVE FILM OF THE YEAR!!!
Honorable Mentions in this category include:

SuperSize Me ~~~ Spanglish

*PLEASE NOTE that the character of the costume designer will receive further comment in StinkyLulu's forthcoming CREEPIEST RACIAL MOMENTS OF 2004

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